Versions Compared


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Lab Exercise 1: Basic Issue Creation Automation Automated Daily Stand-Up Reminder
(Beginner Level - 6 months of experience)

Objective: Automate the creation of a follow-up task when an issue is resolvedDevelop JQL queries to filter issues based on specific criteria for reporting purposes.

Steps:Create an Automation Rule

  1. Learn Basic JQL Syntax:


    • Navigate to


Click on “Create rule” and choose the “Issue transitioned” trigger.

Set the Trigger Details:

  • Specify the transition to be from any status to “Done”.

Define the Follow-Up Task Details:

  • Add an action to “Create issue”.

  • Set the issue type to “Task” and fill in the summary as “Follow-Up for {{issue.key}}”.

Test and Publish the Rule:


Name the rule “Create Follow-Up Task on Resolution”.


    • “Issues” and open the “Advanced search” for issue filtering using JQL.

  1. Create a JQL Query:

    • Construct a JQL query to filter all “Bug” issues created in the last 7 days: issuetype = Bug AND created >= -7d.

  2. Save and Share the Query:

    • Save the JQL search as a filter and share it with your team for quick access.

  3. Verify the Query Results:

    • Confirm that the query results match the criteria specified.

  4. Deliverable: A screenshot of the


  1. JQL query and the list of issues it returns.


Lab Exercise 2: Scheduled Backlog Grooming Notification Sprint Retrospective Automation
(Intermediate Level - 1 year 9 months of experience)

Objective: Create a scheduled reminder for backlog grooming sessionsSet up a Jira dashboard to help a Scrum team track their sprint progress.

Steps:Set Up Scheduled Trigger

  1. Create a New Dashboard:

  • Navigate to “Project settings” > “Automation” and create a new rule with a “Scheduled” trigger.

Configure Schedule Details:

  • Set the schedule to trigger weekly at a specific time before the grooming session.

Set Up Notification:

  • Add an action to “Send email” to the team with details about the upcoming session.

Test and Activate the Rule:


Name the rule “Backlog Grooming Reminder”.


    • Go to “Dashboards” and click “Create a new dashboard”.

  1. Add Gadgets for Scrum Reporting:

    • Configure gadgets such as the “Sprint Health Gadget”, “Burndown Chart”, and “Velocity Chart” to the dashboard.

  2. Customize Gadget Filters:

    • Use JQL to configure the gadgets to display data for the current sprint only.

  3. Share the Dashboard:

    • Share the dashboard with the Scrum team and stakeholders.

  4. Deliverable: A screenshot of the


  1. dashboard and a


  1. brief explanation of how each gadget aids the team.


Lab Exercise 3: Dynamic Priority Assignment Based on Issue Fields Issue Assignment Balancer
(Skilled Advanced Intermediate Level - 1 .5 years year of experience)

Objective: Automatically set the priority of new issues based on the impact and urgency fields.


Create a New Rule for Issue Creation:

  • In “Project settings” > “Automation”, select “Create rule” with an “Issue created” trigger.

Configure Priority Logic:

  • Add conditions to check the “Impact” and “Urgency” fields of the issue.

  • Use these conditions to set the priority with an “Edit issue” action.

Enable and Test the Rule:

  • Name the rule “Automatic Priority Setting”.

  • Turn on the rule and create a new issue to test the priority assignment.

Deliverable: Screenshots of the automation rule and issues with priorities set by the rule.

Lab Exercise 4: Cross-Project Release Synchronization
(Advanced Level - 2 years of experience)

Objective: When a version is released in one project, create a corresponding version in another project.


Initiate Version Release Trigger:

  • Go to the global “Automation” rules and create a rule with a “Version released” trigger.

Configure Cross-Project Action:

  • Add an action to “Create version” in the target project with the same name and description.

Test and Implement the Rule:

  • Name the rule “Synchronize Cross-Project Releases”.

  • Release a version in the primary project and verify that it is created in the secondary project.

Deliverable: Screenshots showing the version release triggering the creation of a corresponding version in another project.

Lab Exercise 5: Complex Issue Routing Based on Reporting Patterns
(Expert Level - 3 years of experience)

Objective: Route issues to different queues based on complex reporting patterns including customer tier, issue type, and report time.


Identify Reporting Patterns:

  • Define JQL queries that capture various reporting patterns you want to route differently.

Set Up an Issue Updated Trigger:

  • Create a rule with an “Issue updated” trigger in the global “Automation” rules.

Create Advanced Logic for Routing:

  • Add advanced conditions to evaluate the issue against your JQL queries.

  • Use “Advanced branch” to route issues to different queues based on the results.

Define Actions for Each Pattern:

  • For each branch, set up the appropriate action, such as moving the issue to a specific queue or assigning it to a designated team.

Test and Refine the Automation:

  • Name the rule “Complex Issue Routing”.

  • Update issues to test each routing pattern and ensure they are moved to the correct queues.

Deliverable: Screenshots

of the automation rule with detailed conditions and actions, and examples of issues routed according to the patternsGenerate a report to analyze issue types and their statuses for the last quarter.


  1. Define the Report Criteria:

    • Use JQL to create a filter for issues created or resolved in the last quarter.

  2. Select the Report Type:

    • Navigate to the “Reports” section and select “Issue Analysis”.

  3. Configure the Report Parameters:

    • Use the previously created filter as the source for the report.

  4. Interpret the Data:

    • Analyze the report data to identify patterns in issue types and statuses.

  5. Deliverable: A screenshot of the report and a summary of your findings


Lab Exercise 4: Version Release Notes Compilation
(Experienced Level - 1.5 years of experience)

Business Requirement: As a client overseeing multiple Scrum teams, I require a dashboard that provides an overview of all active sprints, indicating their health, progress, and any potential blockers to ensure timely delivery.


  1. Plan the Dashboard Structure:

    • Determine which gadgets will represent the necessary data points to meet the client's requirements.

  2. Implement Multi-Project Gadgets:

    • Add and configure gadgets like “Sprint Health Gadget” and “Version Report” with JQL queries that target active sprints from multiple teams.

  3. Ensure Real-Time Data:

    • Configure the gadgets to update dynamically, providing real-time insight into sprint progress.

  4. Review and Optimize:

    • Consult with the client to ensure the dashboard meets the intended purpose and make adjustments as needed.

  5. Deliverable: Screenshots of the dashboard and explanations of how each gadget and JQL query provides the required overview for the client.


Lab Exercise 5: Implementing SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) with JIRA
(Advanced Level - 2+ years of experience)

Context: SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) is an agile software development framework designed to provide a structured approach for large enterprise organizations that need to scale agile beyond single teams. It facilitates team alignment, collaboration, and delivery across multiple agile teams.

Business Requirements:

  1. Set Up Scrum Projects:

    • Create 3 Jira Scrum projects to represent individual teams within the Agile Release Train (ART). These should be named to reflect the squads within them. For instance, “Alpha Squad - Project A”, “Beta Squad - Project B”, and “Gamma Squad - Project C”.

  2. Organize a PMO Planning Project:

    • Establish a separate Jira project named “ART Planning - PMO” to manage Program Increment (PI) planning and track progress at the PMO (Project Management Office) level.

  3. Develop SAFe Dashboards:

    • Construct dashboards that give a visual representation of key SAFe metrics such as PI Objectives, feature progress, and sprint burn-downs.

  4. Create a Cross-Epic Kanban Board/Roadmap:

    • For PI planning across squads, configure a Kanban board or a Roadmap in Jira to visualize Epics and their status across the different Scrum teams.


  1. Create and Name Scrum Projects:

    • In Jira, create three new Scrum projects. Ensure the naming convention is clear and reflects the teams’ identities within the ART.

  2. Set Up a PMO Planning Project:

    • Create a Jira project dedicated to the ART's PI planning activities. This project will be pivotal for the PMO level to oversee the train planning and coordination.

  3. Configure SAFe Dashboards:

    • Use Jira’s dashboard functionality to create and configure dashboards. These should include gadgets such as “Sprint Health”, “Burndown Chart”, “Epic Report” where we can see all data coming from all Scrum Projects

  4. Implement a Cross-Epic Kanban Board/Roadmap:

    • Configure a Kanban board that aggregates Epics from all three Scrum projects. This board will be essential for visualizing work items during PI planning sessions and tracking them throughout the PI.

  5. Deliverable: Screenshots of the Scrum projects setup, the PMO project, the SAFe dashboards, and the Kanban board/Roadmap. Additionally, provide a brief explanation of how each component contributes to implementing SAFe in Jira, ensuring alignment with the business requirements.