Sprint Orchestrator Security and Privacy Statement

1. Introduction

1.1. At WiQU LTD, we prioritize the security and privacy of our users. This statement outlines the measures we have taken for "Sprint Orchestrator for Jira" to ensure the protection of your data and privacy.

2. No Data Collection

2.1. Information We Do Not Collect: WiQU LTD does not collect or retain any personal or usage data related to "Sprint Orchestrator for Jira".

2.2. Data Use: Since we do not collect any data, there's no information to use, sell, or trade.

3. Data Protection

3.1. Encryption: While we don't store user data, any interaction between the user and our servers is encrypted using the latest secure protocols.

3.2. Access: As we do not store any user data, there is no information for our staff to access.

4. Third-Party Integrations

4.1. Our app integrates with the Atlassian platform. Even though we don't collect any data, we recommend users review Atlassian's security practices and policies for more information.

5. No Data Retention

5.1. WiQU LTD does not retain or store any personal or usage data of users in relation to "Sprint Orchestrator for Jira".

6. User Rights (GDPR)

6.1. Even though we do not collect or store personal data, users have rights under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Should you have any questions regarding your rights, please contact us at support@wiqu.io.

7. Security Breach Procedures

7.1. Despite not retaining user data, in the unlikely event of a security breach in our systems, WiQU LTD has a response plan in place to address the vulnerability and report the incident to relevant authorities within 72 hours.

8. Updates to This Statement

8.1. We may periodically update this security and privacy statement to reflect changes in our practices. Significant changes will be notified to users through our app or via email.


For any questions, clarifications, or concerns about this security and privacy statement, please reach out to us at support@wiqu.io.